A Special Message from the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of San Gabriel UU Fellowship wishes to thank Reverend Jami Yandle for their time with us. We deeply appreciate their strengths, the fresh insight, the uplifting and caring messages, and the gentle but firm boundaries that we all need.

We have pressed ourselves to adjust and get with the times, and we have tried to support them in their efforts to branch deeper into Social Justice work, and consider where their ministry mission may call them throughout their life.

In this time together, we have had to unlearn some expectations, and work a bit harder to promote the healthy exchanges of ideas within our community. But growth, healing, and understanding, while never easy nor comfortable, are vital to the integrity of our community.

Over the coming weeks, we will have time to reflect on Rev. Jami’s ministry with us and consider how we have grown as a faith community. And we will have time to express our appreciation to Rev. Jami for the energy, vulnerability, and thoughtfulness they have shared with us.

-SGUUF Board of Trustees