Our first congregations in New England rejected the idea of creed as a central doctrine for a religious community. In its place, they adopted covenants – written documents – describing how members of the community chose to be with one another. Central to each covenant was the idea of the spirit of love working in the hearts and minds of each member of the community bringing them into unity, and helping them to sustain that unity.

Our congregational covenant states:

As members of our beloved community, we agree to act together in loving kindness to promote justice, equity and compassion. While together, we will practice patience and look for good will and good intentions in each other’s actions. We will seek first to understand then to be understood. By being generous in time, talent and treasure, we promise to work together in support of our mission.  We will welcome the diversity among us with genuine curiosity, acceptance and empathy. We commit to resolve differences by speaking directly to each other or through mediation. We promise to work toward forgiveness whenever we fall short of expectations. Moving forward, we will honor our past, embrace change and joyfully celebrate the success of our community.

The Fifth Principle affirms our commitment to:

The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.

Our congregation is self-managing and self-sustaining.  While we are a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association, we are a free and independent body.  We are governed organizationally by our Bylaws.  We are in relationship through our covenant.  We are governed spiritually by our commitment to a free and responsible search for truth and meaning in our own lives.

We welcome all to join us!