The Search Process is described by the Unitarian Universalist Association in “The Settlement Handbook”, which is available on the UUA website. The process is well-crafted to ensure a good match between congregation and minister, as well as to create a process that is fair, inclusive, and compassionate.

The Search Process has 7 Phases. Below is each phase of the process, with a general timeline of when SGUUF entered each phase of the Search:

Phase 1: Concluding a ministry well: Spring/Summer 2019

Phase 2a*: Education and preparation for the search: Fall 2019/Winter 2020

Phase 2b: Education and preparation for the search: Spring/Summer/Fall 2020

Phase 3: Building the Search Structure: Summer/Fall 2020/Winter 2021

Phase 4: Opening Up for the Search: Winter/Spring 2021

Phase 5: Discernment and Mutual Selection: Winter/Spring 2021

Phase 6: Finalizing the Offer: Spring 2021

Phase 7: Entering Into a New Ministry: Summer/Fall 2021

It is important to note that the Settlement Handbook includes provisions for a second round of search if no match occurs. The UUA understands that not every search process may be successful, and it is acceptable outcome to find no match.

* Interrupted by COVID-19 Pandemic.