Online Service – 4th Principle: Truth

One of the seven principles of the Unitarian Universalist tradition is “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” In this service, Rev. Lou Snead will explore the challenges we face today in honoring this principle when we are living in an age filled with misinformation and disinformation in our civic and social interactions. The central question for reflection in this service will be “Can we reach a consensus about what constitutes the truth when so many of us want to appeal to alternative facts to support particular viewpoints and ethical standards?” Our congregation will be encouraged to think carefully about what a responsible search for truth entails when so many of us in America are divided by our ideological and political perspectives.

Please join us for Time Together after the service on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. For more information on how to join Time Together, please subscribe to our newsletter “The Messenger” or email

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