Visiting Past Services: Atonement and Reparations

Join us as we revisit the past service by Keith Hutchinson entitled Atonement and Reparations. Also during the service there will be information on the upcoming UUA General Assembly. If you are interested in learning more about GA 2021 or registering, please do so by going to! Learn more about the 2021 Ware Lecture by clicking here.

Original Service Description

Yom Kippur, which means the Day of Atonement, is on Sept. 27. It follows 10 days after Rosh Hashana, which is the start of the Jewish New Year. The period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur is one of reflection and reckoning, culminating in Yom Kippur, the most important Jewish holiday. Given this current moment in which we have seen so many Black Americans killed by police, and in which institutional racism is even more apparent and appalling, it is fitting that we consider—as a long overdue process of collective atonement—reparations for African Americans in the U.S. Expressions of sorrow are part of atonement, but are not sufficient to address the 400 year legacy of slavery and white supremacy in this country. What is the scope of the injury to Black Americans that needs to be addressed and repaired? What would a reparations process look like? Is there a way to address reparations as a nation, in our UU denomination, in our congregation, and in our personal lives?

Please join us for Time Together after the service on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. For more information on how to join Time Together, please subscribe to our newsletter “The Messenger” or email

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