Speaker: Rev. Mark Skrabacz

Rev. Mark Skrabacz is our Minister. He received a BA from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Divinity from the Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley. After 25 years as a corporate officer, as well as director of social service, educational and environmental non-profit organizations, Mark was ordained as a UU Minister. He served the UU Church of the Hill Country in Kerrville for 5 years, and is now our called Minister in Georgetown. He is involved in the leadership of several organizations that affirm and promote issues of religious freedom and expression, as well as justice and equity.

A Blessing of Our Children

We began this celebration last year when members and friends of San Gabriel expressed a need for backpacks filled with school supplies for their children. Join us today as we celebrate a blessing of our children, as we provide them and others at George Wagner Middle School with their backpacks. May these children know that … Continue reading A Blessing of Our Children

What is Grace?

Many who explore our UU Faith Tradition struggle with conventional theological terms and their meanings. Words like God, Holy Spirit, Salvation and Grace can be puzzling to religious pragmatists. Today we’ll consider as our matter of worth the idea of Grace and its meaning for us. How can Grace understood on its own terms and … Continue reading What is Grace?

A Blessing of the Animals

At this special annual service we will celebrate the fact that we humans share our planet with animals. All lives depend on community and today we will celebrate it with the animals in song, story, touch and joy. (Animals on-leash or crated please) Please bring memorabilia from your deceased animal pet for a Memorial Table.

Healing and Wholeness

Much of our modern world view separates mind and body, sacred and secular, person and environment, and personal piety (spirituality) and the common good (social transformation). Today let’s examine a holistic progressive world view that affirms the insights of complementary and mind-body medicine and contemporary physics Let’s examine a progressive theology that describes the relationship … Continue reading Healing and Wholeness

Becoming Natural

There’s a real value to being honest with and about yourself. Sometimes we simply try too hard and come off to others as uncomfortable in our skin. People pick up on that. Aren’t you always just a little suspicious of people who always say things are going well? Today let’s examine the virtue of awareness … Continue reading Becoming Natural

On Father’s Day

What’s fatherhood? What are the characteristics, virtues and values that fatherhood expresses? How does the involvement, or lack thereof, of fathers in families and the lives of children affect our society? Join with us as we celebrate and examine fatherhood.

Covenant, the UU Glue

Some people describe our Free Faith as believing in anything we want. Some say their Faith tradition is centered in a Biblically-based dogmatic creed and a personal relationship with Jesus.  What is it that holds UU together? Today let’s visit that question and ask how we might answer someone who inquires how we describe our … Continue reading Covenant, the UU Glue

The End Is the Beginning

Let’s celebrate Memorial Day by considering stories and ideas that look at endings as opportunities for new beginnings. This Service will mark the end of our monthly theme of Creativity. Hence we invite you to consider Memorial Day in terms of the creative process. Come join with us!