Speaker: Rev. Erin J. Walter

Rev. Erin J. Walter is a minister, an activist, a musician in Austin, and the winner of the 2017 Sermon Award for the UU Women’s Federation.  A former YMCA director, Rev. Walter is a singer and songwriter for the band, Parker Woodland.  She is the Acting Executive Director of the Texas UU Justice Ministry and is an Affiliated Community Minister at Wildflower UU in Austin.  Some of today’s music is provided by Rev. Walter and you can hear more of her music on her website at  ErinJWalter.com!

A Thousand Elections from Now by Rev. Erin Walter of TXUUJM

The Unitarian Universalist 5th Principle affirms “the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” What does that mean this election year — and what could it mean centuries into the future? Rev. Erin Walter of the Texas UU Justice Ministry joins us in person … Continue reading A Thousand Elections from Now by Rev. Erin Walter of TXUUJM